Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Patience is a virtue..

I have been having alot of problems with keeling my cool. Especially with my kids and loved ones.  From being at work and dealing with irate customers to the drive home anymore. My level of patience has dropped significantly. Why? Not sure. I ask myself the same question everyday. The main reason is I sometimes forget how good life really is. I tend to dwell on all the negative things going on and discard all the positive things. I forget the life I used to have. A horrible life full of hopeless nights and sorrowful days. I need to remember those times more frequently. When I don't think of how good life is and let the negatives run my day. Im ruined. My patience then get even worse because I already ruined my day by letting the negativity run thorough. The real hit to this story is that I pray every day. Some deep prayers and some prayers where I just ask for God's will. The patience kicks in when God's will is delivered but I don't want it. I want my will. Then I seem to get frustrated and take it out in everyone. Here's the hit I was talking about. When I pray for patience, I don't automatically get blessed with patience. I am put in different situations where I must learn and accept patience! As long as I just accept the moment for the moment, all will be well. Just for today.

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